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加入日期: 2021年7月7日


林真慧是加拿大BC省注册心理咨询师和认证创伤治疗师,林真慧心理的创始人,自位于美国加利福尼亚州的Palo Alto大学获得心理咨询硕士学位,专注于解决个人和伴侣/夫妻的情绪和关系问题。经过十几年的自我疗愈,学习心理咨询和帮助他人从不同类型的痛苦中疗愈后,领悟到我们受苦的根源是和真实自我和智慧失去了连接,而疗愈的根本是重建这个连接。她结合西方心理学领域前沿的基于实证的方法和东方哲学的智慧,帮助更多人解脱人生中的痛苦,走上真实自我和智慧之路。

Yoly Lin is a BC Registered Clinical Counsellor and Certified Clinical Trauma Professional located in British Columbia, Canada and specialized in emotion and relationship issues. After decade of self-healing, learning psychological counselling and helping others heal from different kinds of suffering, she realized that the reason of suffering is disconnection with true self and wisdom and the way to resolve suffering is to connect to true self and wisdom. She integrated cutting-edge, evidence-based approaches in western psychology and the wisdom of eastern philosophy, help more people resolve suffering by reconnecting true self and wisdom.

林真慧 (Yoly Lin)

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